Reasons businesses fail

There are many reasons why businesses fail which may have something to do with the management, the type of operation or indeed finances. Unfortunately not all of these reasons for failure are within the control of company directors and company owners. Check out the list of reasons businesses fail below:-


When setting up a new business you need to create a firm base before looking towards major expansion. Major expansion too early can put pressure on cash flow and lead to problems and ultimately many companies have gone out business.


Working out exactly how much money you will need to see your business through the early days is something which is very difficult to succeed at. Ultimately, if you work out a certain figure as your cost basis for the future you should try to obtain finance over and above this figure to give yourself some breathing space.


The art of delegation is something which many people struggle with if they are setting up their own business and looking to expand. However, ultimately know one person or no small group of people can do everything in the company and the art of delegation will leave those with specific skills to use these in relevant areas.

Over dependence on small group of customers

When setting up any business, over dependence upon any small group of customers can prove very dangerous and very financially damaging in the future. If one of your major customers was to go under and they owed you money or were a large percentage of your order output this could in effect ruin your business.

Knowing your competition

In any business it is vital that you know your competition, what they are doing and what is happening in your business arena. You need to go with the trends, go with the flow and ultimately you need to give customers what they need, when they need it and at a price they can afford.

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