List Of 18 Weird Ways To Get Yourself Out Of Debt

As they say in the world of business, one man’s debt is another man’s credit, but how is your debt mountain piling up? Are you at the top yet? Is your head out of the sand?

There are many easy ways to get into debt but more ways than you might think to get out of debt :-

1) Get Your Head Out Of The Sand!

Stop acting like an ostrich and get that head out of the sand, wipe your eyes, wake up and smell the coffee. There is no point in trying to ignore what is happening around you, sit up, deep breath and we can begin the real work!

2) Stop Spending What You Have Not Got!

Lets all be honest, this is the main reason the majority of us are in debt, spending money we have not got. Don’t try to impress your friends, don’t splash out on stuff that you cant afford, easy?

3) Call A Halt To The Takeaways They Only Make You Fat

Pop! That’s what will happen to you one day if you don’t stop eating those takeaways. Lock the door, hide the phone or take the dog for a walk, anything that will stop you thinking of that next juicy takeaway.

4) Get On Your Bike!

While some say exercise is good for us, there are many of us who are not sure about that! However, a quick burst on the bike will do you some good, save the ozone layer a few millimeters and use less petrol.

5) Better Still – Hide Your Car From The Road Tax Inspectors

Can you park your car away from your home or in a garage? If you can, forget about road tax when its due and just tell them you have sent your car to be scrapped. You might not get away with it for long, but it will save your a few pounds in the short term, although you will need to remember to drive at night!

6) Don’t Get Out Of Bed Until The Afternoon

The longer you stay in bed the less time you have to eat, eating is expensive as is the electricity and the water which you use when you are awake. This is all so simple, isn’t it?

7) Tell Your Neighbour Your Hot Water Is Off And Ask To Use Their Bath

Next time you need a bath just tell your neighbours that your hot water is on the blink and can you have a quick bath. When they agree, sit back with your newspaper, enjoy the peace and spend as long as you can using their water and their electricity.

8) Tell Your Neighbour Your Washing Machine Is Broken (Get The Message?)

If they are anything like the neighbours in my street they will moan a little then bend over backwards to help you. Make sure you get as much into the load as you can, and try and get them dried as well if possible!

9) Go On A Diet

The majority of diets these days consist of rabbit food so why not have a rummage in the rabbits hutch and see what food they have got left. Close you eyes and think or England, Scotland, Wales, America, etc.

10) Get The Kids Fostered During The Recession

Kids are the largest drain on our finances so why not ship them out to foster parents during the recession and “buy” them back when times are better. Oh, if only I had thought of this 10 years ago!

11) Sell All Of That Stuff You Don’t Use

What better way to get rid of all the crap in your house than have a garage sale, but make sure your charge them all to get in, that way the stingy people are guaranteed to buy something to get their moneys worth!

12) Wear Your Clothes For A Week

No washing, no drying and after a couple of days your clothes will have a life of their own – just whistle and they will come running to you!

13) Learn How To Pick Pocket And Test It Out Down At The Shops

Its so much better to spend someone else money and while you might get the odd slap or a chat with the police, its more than worth it in the end.

14) Always Buy Clothes That Are Too Small For You

That way you will have to cut down on your food, cut down on your spending and have more money to pay off your debts. Comfortable clothes are expensive clothes!

15) Don’t Wear White Clothes – They Need Washed More Often

Make sure that you and the family don’t have any white clothes because they show the dirt quicker and need more washing. Stick to non-white clothes and hide last nights curry stains!

16) Take Two Jobs At The Same Time

Take two jobs with the same working hours, but just alternate sick days between the two and you can bring home double the money for the same hours of work. Easy!

17) Hibernate In The Winter

If it’s good enough for the hedgehogs then its good enough for you – settle your debts in the summer.

18) Collect All The Stray Animals In The Neighbourhood

Collect as many strays as you can, put them in a massive exercise wheel and hook it up to your mains electricity supply. The faster the animals run the more power they will make for the house and its all free!

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